
Senior Software Engineer / Solution Architect

Cloud Service: AWS, Azure, GCP

This document shows the most commonly used services across Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

ComputeEC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud)Virtual Machines (VMs)Compute Engine
StorageS3 (Simple Storage Service)Blob StorageCloud Storage
Database (Relational)RDS (Relational Database Service)Azure SQL DatabaseCloud SQL
Database (NoSQL)DynamoDBCosmos DBFirestore
Serverless ComputeLambdaAzure FunctionsCloud Functions
Container OrchestrationECS (Elastic Container Service)Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
Networking (VPC)VPC (Virtual Private Cloud)Virtual Network (VNet)Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
Load BalancerELB (Elastic Load Balancer)Azure Load BalancerCloud Load Balancing
Identity & Access ManagementIAM (Identity and Access Management)Azure Active Directory (AAD)Identity and Access Management (IAM)
Monitoring & LoggingCloudWatchAzure MonitorOperations Suite (formerly Stackdriver)
Machine LearningSageMakerAzure Machine LearningAI Platform
Content Delivery NetworkCloudFrontAzure CDNCloud CDN
Big DataEMR (Elastic MapReduce)Azure HDInsightDataproc
Data WarehouseRedshiftAzure Synapse AnalyticsBigQuery
Object Storage (Archive)GlacierAzure Blob Storage (Archive)Coldline
Event StreamingKinesisEvent GridPub/Sub
Serverless DatabaseAurora ServerlessAzure SQL Database ServerlessCloud SQL (Serverless)
Distributed CacheElastiCacheAzure Cache for RedisCloud Memorystore
Data LakesLake FormationAzure Data Lake StorageCloud Storage for Data Lakes
DNS ServiceRoute 53Azure DNSCloud DNS
API GatewayAPI GatewayAzure API ManagementAPI Gateway
Virtual Desktop InfrastructureWorkSpacesAzure Virtual DesktopVirtual Desktops
BlockchainAmazon Managed BlockchainAzure Blockchain ServiceCloud Blockchain
IoTAWS IoT CoreAzure IoT HubCloud IoT Core
Artificial Intelligence (AI)AWS AI Services (e.g., Polly, Rekognition)Azure AI Services (e.g., Cognitive Services)Google AI (e.g., Vision AI, Dialogflow)
MigrationAWS Migration HubAzure MigrateGoogle Cloud Migration
Developer ToolsCodePipelineAzure DevOpsCloud Build
Edge ComputingAWS WavelengthAzure Edge ZonesAnthos
App IntegrationStep FunctionsAzure Logic AppsCloud Composer
Backup & RecoveryAWS BackupAzure BackupCloud Storage for Backup
SecurityAWS Security HubAzure Security CenterCloud Security Command Center
Content ManagementAmazon S3 + CloudFrontAzure Blob Storage + CDNCloud Storage + Cloud CDN